How Does the Enemy Operate?

Read Genesis 3:1-4 and answer the following questions:

⦁ What is the serpents approach when he first addresses Eve?

⦁ What is Eve’s first mistake?

⦁ How does the serpent then attack Eve’s vunerabliltiy?

⦁ Also go read John 8:44 for additional context.

⦁ How does Eve react?

Who is the serpent?
Read Revelation 12:9

Now, go and read Luke 4:1-13.

⦁ Notice that the scriptures tell us that Jesus “was led by the Spirit into the wilderness, where for forty days he was tempted by the devil.” (NIV) Why do you believe we are shown the three specific temptations that are shared in these verses?

⦁ What are some of the methods the devil uses?

⦁ How does Jesus confront each and what should we learn from these examples?



